Our Tenant Stories
Leland Coaching (example)
I’m from Southern California. My professional record is 11-0-3.
After an eye injury my career ended and I pivoted into coaching, obtaining my NASM certification for personal training. I was a Coach at a high school in Los Angeles and soon after becoming the Head coach.
Our focus was Functional training for General population over 40yrs of age. I’m now in North Carolina and Coach at Leland Coaching and have began my journey in Entrepreneurship. I have built a social Media following of 20thousand on my boxing page.
My Goal is to become one of boxing’s best trainers by helping people push past the limit they set for themselves. When life hits you, roll with the punches and keep swinging champs!
“Services to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth ” -Ali
SoFtball Coaching
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